Writing 2LK—Academic Writing Linked to PS1

Instructor: James H. Donelan

M, W 1:00-2:50 in GIRV 2120; Section 5, Course No. 45062
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00-10:50, Wednesday 12:00-12:50 or by appointment.
Girvetz 1310
Email: donelan@humanitas.ucsb.edu

Ruszkiewicz, Hairston, and Seward, SF Writer
Texts for PS1
The book is at the UCSB Bookstore.

Course Description: The course will explore the fundamental forms and styles of academic writing in essays related to the content of PS 1. In addition, students will improve their reading and critical thinking skills through class discussion and exercises.

Requirements: The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class and timely completion of all assignments, including all writing exercises, reading journals, peer reports, and preliminary drafts as well as the final draft of each assignment.

In addition, please do your best to observe the following rules:

How to Read the Syllabus

The homework and reading assignments on the syllabus describe what is due by the time you arrive in class. For instance, the syllabus for September 27 reads:

Reading: SF Writer, "The Writing Process," Sections 1-3
Homework: 250 word (1 page) summary of an argument in the syllabus
In-class: Small group discussion: argument and writing processes

This means that by the morning of Septeber 27, you should have completed the reading and written assignment. The "In-class" section is a brief description of that day’s activities.


I: Introduction: Critical Reading—Writing Summaries and Arguments
Introduction and Logistics
In-class: Strategies for critical reading and writing; summary

Reading: SF Writer, "The Writing Process," Sections 1-3
Homework: 250 word (1 page) summary of an argument in the syllabus
In-class: Small group discussion: argument and writing processes

Reading: SF Writer, "The Writing Process," Sections 1-3, continued
Homework: 250-word analysis of an argument in Aristotle’s Politics
In-class: Workshop: writing persuasively; group discussion: planning an essay

Reading: SF Writer, Chapter 10, Sentences
Homework: Outline for first essay
First In-class Writing

Reading: SF Writer, Chapters 17 and 18
Homework: Draft of short essay
In-class: Incorporating primary sources

10/11 Library Visit
First essay due!

II: Competing Ideas—Writing Comparisons

*10/16 First PS1 Essay Due.

Reading: SF Writer, Chapter 19, Other Punctuation
Homework: Outline of competing arguments
In-class: Group discussion of comparative essays; sentence variety exercise

Reading: Review excerpts from Hobbes and Rousseau in reader
Homework: List main points of difference between Hobbes and Rousseau
In-class: Peer editing for sentence structure; sentence combining exercise

Reading: SF Writer, "The Writing Process," Chapters 4-6
Homework: Paragraph downshifting exercise; premise and conclusion
In-class: Making comparisons—identifying issues; peer editing of paragraphs
Reading: SF Writer, "The Writing Process," Chapters 4-6, continued
Homework: Midterm preparation notes

*10/30 PS 1 Midterm.

10/30 Conferences.

Reading: SF Writer, Chapters 7-8
In-class: Opinion vs. position; Midterm analysis
Homework: Prospectus for second essay

Reading: SF Writer, Chapter 9
Homework: Outline of second essay due
Second In-class Essay

Homework: Draft of second essay due
In-class: Editing vs. proofreading: peer review

Second Essay Due

III: Thematic Essays

Reading: SF Writer, "Research and Writing"
Homework: Identifying an important question
In-class: Class debate: defending your position

Reading: SF Writer, "Research and Writing," continued
Homework: Working bibliography
In-class: Embedding exercise; plagiarism exercise

Reading: Writing with Sources, review
Homework: Prospectus due
Third In-class Essay

*11/22 Second PS 1 paper due.

Homework: Outline of essay due
In-class: Conferences

Homework: Rough draft of essay due
In-class: Editing for style; small group discussion of audience

Homework: Second draft of essay due; peer reports
In-class: Group reading; thesis statement clinic

In-class: Final essay workshop.

Final Class; Final Essay Due

*12/8 PS 1 Final.