Writing 109HU—Writing for the Humanities:


Instructor: James H. Donelan

Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu
Time: Monday, Wednesday 9:30-10:45,
Place: Monday, Girvetz 1119; Wednesday, Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518 (except 1/15)
Enroll No.: 47109
Office Hours: Monday 1:00-1:50, Tuesday 10:00-10:50 or by appointment.
Office: Girvetz 1310

Texts: Wolfson and Manning, The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Vol. 2A
Tuman and Rodriguqez, ConnectWeb and Writing Essentials (single package) http://connectweb.com/ucsb.asp
A reader is available at Graphikart in Isla Vista.
Books are available at the UCen book store.

Course Description: The course will allow students to refine their skills in scholarship and writing in several humanistic disciplines. Students will address the issues of evidence, interpretation, and critique within each individual discourse and as part of a general understanding of the humanities.

Requirements: The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments, including short on-line assignments, journal entries, a brief literary essay (5-6 pages), an annotated bibliography, and one longer essay (8-10 pages). All written assignments after the first week are due on-line through ConnectWeb. Students will also give an oral presentation on a topic related to the longer essay. In addition, please observe the following rules:


Readings followed by a page number are in The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Other readings are in the xeroxed reader from Graphikart.

I: Literature: English Romanticism

Introduction and Logistics

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Reading: Wordsworth, The Prelude, Book I, 389.
Writing: Reading journal entry

Readings: Wordsworth, The Prelude, Book VI, 414; Hartman, "Via Natualiter Negativa."
Writing: Reading journal entry

Class meets in MESA Lab, Phelps 1525.
Reading: Liu, "The History in ‘Imagination’"
Reading journal entry.

1/20 Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Readings: Darlington, "Reclaiming Dorothy Wordsworth’s Legacy"; D. Wordsworth, Grasmere Journals, 478-484. 
Writing: Essay outline and thesis.

Reading: Percy Shelley, "Mont Blanc," 754.
Writing: Essay Draft.

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Reading: Austen, Excerpt from Pride and Prejudice, 982.
Writing: Draft Revision

Library Visit, 1575 Davidson Library

Essay on Literature Due 

II: Philosophy: Hegel and German Idealism

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Readings: Excerpt from Hegel for Beginners; Hegel, Introduction to The Phenomenology of Spirit.
Writing: Reading journal entry.

Reading: Hegel, excerpt from The Philosophical History of the World
Writing: Reading journal entry.

III: History: Human Rights and the Slave Trade

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Readings: Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, 67; Paine, Rights of Man, 84.
Writing: Prospectus Due; Reading journal entry.

2/17 Happy Presidents' Day!

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Readings: Clarkson, "The History...of the Abolition...of the African Slave-Trade...,"199.
Writing: Annotated Bibliography Draft

Reading: Equiano, "Narrative..." 160.
Writing: Annotated Bibliography Due;
Reading journal entry.

IV: Music: Beethoven

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Listening assignment: Beethoven, Symphony No. 3
Reading: Burnham, "Beethoven’s Hero"
Writing: Progress Report

Reading and Listening: Beethoven and Burnham continued.
Writing: Outline 

V: Art: Blake, Friedrich, and Turner

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Art Viewing Assignments: View paintings through web links to be provided.
Reading: Blake, Songs of Innocence, 118.
Writing: Reading journal entry.

Rough Draft Due

Class meets in Rincon Lab, Phelps 1518.
Oral Presentations

Final Essay Due