Hard-boiled Modernism: Dashiell Hammett’s
The Glass Key

  1. Hammett and the Detective Novel
    1. Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961): A Tough Life, but Those are the Breaks
    2. Pulp Fiction: The Continental Op and The Black Mask
    3. Novels and Success: Red Harvest (1928), The Dain Curse (1930), The Maltese Falcon (1930), The Glass Key (1931) and The Thin Man (1934)
    4. Illness, Scandal, and Death
  1. Prohibition and the Corrupt World of Paul Madvig
    1. Cant, Hypocrisy, and Liquor: 1919-1933
    2. Madvig’s City
    3. Pulp Modernism
  1. The Hard-boiled Heroic Code
    1. Loyalty
    2. Truth
    3. Self-knowledge
  1. The Glass Key: Hammett’s Influence
    1. Two Dreams
    2. The Shattered Key
    3. The Open Door