Charles Baudelaire: The Decadent Self

  1. Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)
    1. A Brief and Difficult Life
    2. Paris in the Nineteenth Century
    3. Annoying the Bourgeoisie
    4. Les Fleurs du mal
  1. Flowers on the Grave: Paris Spleen
    1. Melancholia and the City
    2. Prose Poems: "Petit poèmes en prose"
    3. Fragmentary Narratives
  1. The Artistic Temperament
    1. "The Stranger" (1)
    2. "Artist’s Confiteor" (3)
    3. "Venus and the Motley Fool" (10)
    4. "The Bad Glazier" (12)
  1. Anti-Sentimentality
    1. "A Hemisphere in Your Hair" (31)
    2. "Get Drunk!" (74)
    3. "The Eyes of the Poor" (52)
  1. The Burden of Time
    1. "To Every Man His Chimera" (8)
    2. "The Clock" (30)
    3. "The Double Room" (5)